Student Committee

Ferdaous Abderrazak
Third-year doctoral student, Information Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, at Univervisté du Québec en Outaouais.

Ali Ghadimi  
Third-year doctoral student, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Systems, at Polytechnique Montréal.

Rizan Homayoun Nejad
Final-year doctoral student, Electrical Engineering, Optical Communications, at Université Laval.

Guillaume Njamba Nyami
First-year Ph.D. student, Telecommunications, Wireless Systems and Devices, at Concordia University.

Katrina Poulin
First-year doctoral student, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Design Automation, at McGill University.

Bijan Shahriari (Chair)

Second-year doctoral student, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Design Automation, at McGill University.

Amirhossein Zarei
First-year doctoral student, Telecommunications, at INRS.